Messages of Peace


Love all people, all creatures. Join hands and bring communities together. God is One.”


We are one. Our religion is love.


As I light my Flame and it joins with all the others I want each and every one of you to know that you are loved and I send my most sincere prayer for peace in our world.“

— HOPE LOVRINOFF-MORAN in Youngstown, Ohio US is Lighting a Candle

If we choose the spiritual path, we can light yet another fire, an Eight Fire, and begin an extended period of Peace and healthy growth.”

— GRANDFATHER WILLIAM COMMANDA, Algonquin Elder and Spiritual Leader, from the Prophecy of the Seven Fires of the Anishnabe

My goal is to be a peaceful light in the lives of people I encounter on a day to day basis. With the hope that it will spread like a beautiful fire of love.”

— PATRICIA, Guilford, Connecticut, USA is Lighting a Candle

The Power of Prayers Collectively is perhaps the most potent force, it heals, it empowers, brings us in Harmony and it Heals. Scientists now have recognized and proven it and acknowledge the Power of Prayer. Prayer works Miracles. The Energy generated in Prayer can and is a positive force, which is multiplied manifold when we Pray Together. Prayer is Prayer, it does not have any Boundaries, does not Discriminate, Transcends cultures, Spreads Love and Respect as it builds Harmony and it Unites All of US.”

— BAWA JAIN, World Council of Religious Leaders is Lighting a Candle

Let there be peace on earth and love for one another. Join me in the Global Movement for Peace New Year’s Eve 2016.”


Inner love and peace, outer love and peace. Let them be connected together over the world!”

— YUMIKO NAGOYA, Nishitokyo-city, Tokyo, Japan,
is Watching the Live Broadcast.

Beyond the different languages, beyond borders, we are all part of life; let’s support ourselves and expand love on our planet and beyond.”

— Ileana Piñero is Lighting a Candle in Valencia, Venezuela

May all souls be held, nourished and guided by this light.”

— TANUKA in Dubai, United Arab Emirates is Lighting a Candle

Transform yourself, transform the world. The more we raise our individual consciousness, the more the collective consciousness is going to rise. Let us keep connecting in this powerful way. 💗”

— SRILA DEVI in Diez/Lahn, Germany, is Hosting Public Peace Fires

May the peace in our hearts ignite an irresistible force to bring peace into all Hearts in every part of our world bringing healing & loving-kindness to all.”

— PEG NOLTE, East Boothbay, Maine, USA is Hosting Private Peace Fires

Let me be an instrument of peace in the world. Let peace begin with me. Let peace fill my heart, and those around me. Let me love and bless those who are different than me and refrain from judgement and anger. Let me be an instrument of peace, let peace begin with me.”

— CYNTHIA RAY in Port Townsend, Washington is Hosting Private Peace Fires

It is so important that there be unity in our community. It makes no difference what each one of us thinks, what is critically important is that there be unity among us. When squabbles happen, let’s remember that we work for the Light. Let go and let the Light do it’s work. Unity is all that remains for us to do.”


We are love. Love is our fire...Your heart touched my heart. Our hearts touched everybody’s heart around the world. Let’s get together. Let’s create a whole ring of fire all around the planet earth and share it with every single animal, with the plants, the earth...Join us, and together let’s change the world.”


Let all hearts be held and healed by the love and tenderness emanating from the circle of Peace Fires around the globe.”

— MARY PATRICIA SONG, Seattle Washington, USA is Hosting Private Peace Fires and Watching the Live Broadcast

Peace, a thread of hope that unites earth to heaven, a word so simple and difficult at the same time. Peace means Forgiveness, the fruit of conversion and prayer, that is born from within and that, in God’s name, makes it possible to heal old wounds. Peace means Welcome, openness to dialogue, the overcoming of closed-mindedness, which is not a strategy for safety, but rather a bridge over an empty space…We desire that men and women of different religions may everywhere gather and promote harmony, especially where there is conflict.”

— POPE FRANCIS, Vatican City

The world deeply needs our shared intentions and positive prayers. Let us come together around our neighborhoods, our communities and the globe. Even if you are alone - light a candle and join us.”


OM Deep in us is a space where we are one with creation, one with God. In this room we experience peace that is beyond any description. This peace is in each one of us. The source of world peace.”


Bringing powerful energy of peace, love and clarity to the the globe.”

— Jane Roberts, United Kingdom

Peace for every human being, for all the animals, for the nature for everything on this planet and around this planet. May love and respect always be your light for you and for all.”

— Vivian Kneiss-Boegle, Germany

Let the light shine brightly and warm the hearts and minds of all, so our present actions create a beautiful peaceful safe world for all.”

— Adunni Kolade, Kuala Lampur, Malaysia

Consciousness is our level of awareness of the spirit of God in everything. What does peace mean? Peace is when people respect each other and can see with our most elevated consciousness the spark of God that exists in every one in everything.

We are destined to be many, but to learn to act as One.”

— Karen Berg, The Kabbalah Centre

Peace and love, may they become stronger than darkness and war.”

— Jan­ice Strak­bein, USA

May all beings be happy and blessed. May all who experience Fire Ceremonies all over the world generate peace and an era of Light and Love for the planet and all living beings.”

— Alma Bella Maglaya in Los Angels, CA is Hosting Public Peace Fires

There is more that unites the world than divides it. Peace is the natural state of every human being on earth. Absence of peace is a contrived phenomenon engineered by a few, for narrow unsustainable objectives. If only we respect everybody, rather than suspect everybody, if only we could focus on destroying the animosities stored within us rather than picking fights with perceived external enemies, we will be at peace within and at peace with the world around. Let us offer our sincere heartfelt prayers that each of us everywhere on our precious planet resolves to work for peace within and peace with others. We are called “human beings”, not “human havings”, so let us “be more” rather than “have more”. May Love and Peace Prevail.”

— Ravi Chaudhry, Chairman, CeNext Consulting & Investment Pvt Ltd,